In its first phase the Project aimed at initiating and supporting a process for revisiting and revising the German National Biodiversity Strategy (NBS) in the light of new challenges.
To this end, the project team analysed the existing NBS with respect to structural and content-related characteristics. The results of this analyses were combined with reflections on the significance of the NBS for selected political sectors and with an assessment of the institutional potentials and challenges for increasing policy coherence in order to develop recommendations on how to revise the NBS.
The project had participatory components: expert interviews for harvesting external input early during the consultation process, and a stakeholder workshop with more than 60 people with experience and relations to nature conservation and environmental protection at the national and international scale. Representatives of politics, non-governmental organisations and lobby groups and research were invited to discuss and enrich the study results. The project team aimed at identifying and prioritizing options for developing the NBS further. These results were summarized in the final report of the first project phase end of February 2021.
A subsequent part of this R&D project started in April 2021 and consisted of 6 expert workshops on different topics under the NBS. The results provided input into a draft version of the new NBS.
A third phase started in March 2022 and is developing and implementing public consultation measures for the final version of the NBS, prepares and communication strategy and develops measures to accompany the implementation of the NBS once it is installed.