As the Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its 20 Aichi-Targets terminated in 2020 the CBD has started processes to develop a post-2020 biodiversity framework. The Institute for Biodiversity Network (ibn) on behalf of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation analyzed the structure and content of the recent strategic plan and its targets and on this basis developed concrete and realistic proposals for the further development of the strategic plan or a new target system. These proposals were discussed with stakeholders and experts from science, NGOs and civil society first in a workshop at national level in Berlin (programme) and then at the European level in Bonn (programme). Other European initiatives on the post-2020 biodiversity framework were also presented during the European workshop. The workshops focused on the following questions:
• Are the Aichi-Targets still relevant for a post-2020 biodiversity framework?
• Which targets need to be updated/changed/rephrased?
• Which new topics should be taken up by a post-2020 biodiversity framework?
The results of this discussion were integrated into the project study and served to prepare for further negotiations, including COP, SBSTTA and SBI meetings.
In a next project phase another EU-workshop was held in September 2019 and the discussion results were submitted as an inf-doc for SBSTTA 23.
As results you can find for download :