In behalf of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ibn organized an International Workshop on matters related to Traditional Knowledge associated with Genetic Resources and the International ABS-Regime at the international academy for nature conservation on Vilm island (July 6-9th, 2009).The goal of the expert meeting was to exchange information and discuss practical implications of different views and options of draft text in order to support indigenous and local communities in the negotiations of the International ABS Regime. In particular, the Workshop was meant to facilitate the preparation for, and progress at, the 8th meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on ABS (ABS 8), due to be held in Montreal, Canada on 9-15 November 2009.The workshop resulted in draft text that was brought forward to ABS 8 in a report and that helped to formulate the Nagoya protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing, finalised in 2010.