The CBD had the target until 2010 to "reduce significantly the loss of biodiversity" but had to admit that this target was not reached. At the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP 10) in 2010 the Parties agreed on a strategic plan including 20 specific, measurable targets backed by indicators. As COP 10 took place in the Japanese province of Aichi these targets are called the Aichi-Biodiversity Targets. These targets include e.g. the extension of terrestrial protected areas to 17% of the surface and marine protected areas to 10% (target 11), reducing the rate of loss of natural habitats close to zero or at least half it (target 5) and avoid overfishing (target 6). Further targets deal with combating invasive alien species (target 9), the integration of biodiversity values into national accounting (target 2) and awareness raising for the values of biodiversity (target 1).