GLUES - Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services

The land surface is the primary living environment for mankind and is undergoing manmade changes for thousands of years. Recent developments of global change like demografic changes, climate change and globalisation of economic systems are enormous challenges for dealing with limited resources. This concerns food security as well as energy production and the maintaining of habitats and ecosystem services.

It is time to face these challenges and adapt the various land use activities in a sustainable manner. To find new answers with long term reliabilty the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) launched the funding programme 'Sustainable Land Management'.

The research programme is split into two modules Module A (international) and Module B (national). Module A "Interaction between land management, climate change and ecosystem services" consists of twelve scientific regional projects in different parts of the World, supported by the scientific coordination project GLUES.

Ibn is responsible for the science-policy interface and the relation to the international environmental conventions like CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD or Ramsar. The aim is to feed scientific findings into these political processes and to support scientists to present their results adequately in meetings of these conventions, like COPs or SBSTTAs.

Make your own experiences on different land use options in the Online Game LandYous developed by the coordination project GLUES of modul A.

This research programme has been launched by FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) as a framework programme within the resources and sustainability field of action, and is funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). [Support code: 01LL0901A]